Julimar Petition rejected: WAs Environment Minister caves in to mining interests

Written by JCAFA

In May the JCAFA group submitted over 5,200 signatures in support of Julimar State Forest becoming a National Park. The petition was tabled by Darren West MLC.

On August 26th we received a response from the Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs. Unfortunately, Minister Whitby has stated that mining tenements in the forest will take precedence over conservation despite his acknowledgement that Julimar State Forest supports significant conservation, Aboriginal cultural heritage and recreation values. 

You can read the response in its entirety here:

Although, it is a disappointing result. It wasn’t unexpected. Sharon Richards, JCAFA president said “It’s unbelievable that the environment minister has sided with the mining industry and has refused to protect one of WAs last remaining Jarrah/Wandoo forests north of Perth.  Julimar state forest hosts a range of endangered native species including Chuditch and Woylies, and is the second largest breeding ground for the endangered Carnaby Cockatoos in WA, it seriously deserves formal protection”.

Although the recent decision may seem like a setback, it is merely a chapter in our ongoing story of resilience, reminding us that every voice matters and every effort counts, and together we can rally stronger, ignite passion, and inspire action to ensure that this irreplaceable forest thrives for generations to come, because giving up is simply not an option when the future of our natural heritage is at stake.

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